Monday, May 6, 2024

Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Risks and Dental Interventions

Are you constantly feeling exhausted, even after a full night’s sleep? Do you wake up with a dry mouth, headache, or gasping for air? If so, you may be one of the millions worldwide affected by sleep apnea – a potentially serious sleep disorder that often goes undiagnosed.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is characterised by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses, called apneas, can last from a few seconds to minutes and may occur dozens of times per hour. There are three main types:

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common form. It is caused by a blocked or collapsed airway during sleep, often due to relaxed throat muscles.
  2. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) occurs when the brain fails to signal the breathing muscles properly.
  3. Mixed Sleep Apnea: A combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea.

Recognising the Warning Signs

Sleep apnea can manifest through various symptoms, some of which may surprise you. Be on the lookout for:

symptoms of sleep apnea
  • Loud snoring
  • Frequent waking at night to urinate
  • Episodes of breathing cessation during sleep
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Waking with a dry mouth or headache
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Daytime fatigue and difficulty concentrating
  • Mood changes, such as irritability or depression

If you or a loved one experiences these symptoms, seeking professional help is crucial. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a world of difference in managing sleep apnea and its potential health risks.

The Health Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Ignoring sleep apnea can have serious consequences. Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of:

Health Risk Description
High blood pressure Increased risk of hypertension
Heart disease Higher likelihood of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues
Stroke Increased risk of stroke
Diabetes Greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes
Depression Higher risk of mental health issues, including depression

In fact, a study published in the European Respiratory Journal found that severe sleep apnea was associated with a 2.7 times higher risk of developing heart failure.

The Holistic Dentistry Approach to Sleep Apnea

At Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, we take a comprehensive approach to treating sleep apnea, focusing not only on the symptoms but also on the underlying causes of the condition. This method contrasts with traditional treatments that may address only the immediate symptoms using devices like CPAP machines or mandibular advancement devices (MADs).

Underlying Causes and Holistic Interventions

Our holistic dentists aim to identify and treat the root causes of sleep apnea, which often include issues with jaw alignment, tongue positioning, and overall oral health. For instance, conditions such as retrognathia (poor alignment of the jaw) and high tongue positioning can obstruct the airway during sleep. We may use treatments like mandibular advancement devices to reposition the jaw and alleviate these obstructions.

Comprehensive Treatment Options

In addition to addressing the underlying causes, we employ a variety of other treatment modalities to address sleep apnea:

  1. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy: This therapy focuses on the mouth and face muscles, aiming to improve their tone and function, which can help keep the airways open during sleep.
  2. Lifestyle and Environmental Changes: We may recommend weight management, regular exercise, altering sleep positions, and using a humidifier to ease breathing at night.
  3. Advanced Light Force (ALF) Therapy: Some holistic dentists offer innovative treatments like ALF therapy, which uses light pressure to adjust the cranial structure and improve airway size.

Benefits of a Holistic Approach

The holistic approach to sleep apnea offers several benefits:

  1. Addressing the Whole System: By looking at the entire body and its systems, our holistic dentists aim to improve overall health, which can enhance the effectiveness of sleep apnea treatment.
  2. Customised Treatments: We consider individual differences in lifestyle and health, allowing for more personalised treatment plans.
  3. Non-Invasive Options: Many holistic treatments are less invasive than traditional methods, focusing on exercises and adjustments rather than surgery or heavy reliance on devices.

The SomnoMed Device: A Comfortable CPAP Alternative

For many patients, the SomnoMed device offers a more comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional CPAP machines. This custom-fitted oral appliance works by gently repositioning the lower jaw during sleep, preventing airway obstruction and facilitating uninterrupted breathing.

The SomnoMed device is compact, discreet, and comfortable, enhancing compliance and ease of use. By effectively addressing the underlying causes of sleep apnea, it alleviates symptoms and reduces the risk of associated health complications.

Patient Case Study: A Success Story with Dr Lewis

A male patient, John, recently visited SHDC to see Dr Lewis Ehrlich. Initial observations suggested a sleep disorder based on his neck circumference, weight, and unusual jaw positioning. Dr Lewis referred John for a sleep study, which revealed a history of heart disease in John’s family and signs of calcification in the ascending carotid artery.

Dr Lewis collaborated with a general practitioner and a cardiologist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for John’s sleep apnea and other sleep problems. John was prescribed a CPAP machine, which effectively opened his airways, resulting in better sleep quality and reduced cardiac risk.

This case study highlights the importance of a holistic approach to sleep apnea treatment, addressing oral health and overall wellbeing.

Key Takeaways

  1. Understanding the Significance of Quality Sleep: Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It allows the body to undergo essential repair processes and ensures optimal brain function.
  2. Recognising the Symptoms and Risks of Sleep Apnea: Being aware of the signs of sleep apnea, such as loud snoring and waking up gasping for air, is essential for early detection and intervention. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health issues, including cardiovascular problems, obesity, and mental health disorders.
  3. The Vital Role of Dental Professionals in Sleep Apnea Treatment: Dentists play a pivotal role in identifying and addressing sleep apnea through comprehensive oral examinations. By collaborating with sleep specialists, they can tailor personalised treatment plans, potentially saving patients from the detrimental health consequences of untreated sleep apnea.
  4. Exploring Treatment Options: From custom-fitted oral appliances like the SomnoMed device to CPAP machines and lifestyle changes, various interventions are available to manage sleep-disordered breathing effectively. Each treatment approach is tailored to the individual patient’s needs, aiming to improve sleep quality and overall health outcomes.

Take the First Step Towards Better Sleep and Health

If you suspect you or a loved one may have sleep apnea, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Start by discussing your symptoms with your dentist or primary care physician. They can guide you through the process of getting diagnosed and finding the most suitable treatment for your needs.

At Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, we are dedicated to helping our patients achieve optimal sleep and overall health. Our experienced dental professionals are here to answer your questions and provide the support you need every step of the way.

Take the first step today: Call Sydney Holistic Dental Centre at (02) 9221 5800 to schedule an appointment and discuss your concerns with one of our experienced dental professionals. Remember, quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being—don’t let sleep apnea stand in the way of living your best life.


References: (note – all external links should open to a blank page)

American Sleep Apnea Association. (n.d.). Sleep Apnea Definitions. Mayo Clinic. (2022, May 25). Obstructive sleep apnea. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Central Sleep Apnea. Stanford Health Care. (n.d.). Mixed Sleep Apnea. American Sleep Apnea Association. (n.d.). Sleep Apnea Symptoms. American Sleep Apnea Association. (n.d.). Sleep Apnea Risks. Gottlieb, D. J., Yenokyan, G., Newman, A. B., O’Connor, G. T., Punjabi, N. M., Quan, S. F., … & Shahar, E. (2010). Prospective study of obstructive sleep apnea and incident coronary heart disease and heart failure: the sleep heart health study. Circulation, 122(4), 352-360. American Sleep Apnea Association. (n.d.). Diagnosis & Treatment of Sleep Apnea. Mayo Clinic. (2022, May 25). Obstructive sleep apnea – Diagnosis & treatment. SomnoMed. (n.d.). How SomnoDent Oral Appliance Therapy Works. American Sleep Apnea Association. (n.d.). Surgery for Sleep Apnea. National Sleep Foundation. (n.d.). Sleep Apnea Treatment.

Also, read our article: Start Your Day With A Good Morning Routine – for tips on supporting better sleep. 

The post Sleep Apnea: Symptoms, Risks and Dental Interventions appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Myth Busting – The Truth about Root Canal Therapy & Systemic Health

2024 Guide to Holistic Root Canal Therapy

At Sydney Holistic Dental Centre (SHDC), we believe root canal therapy is integral to dental and systemic health care. Our holistic approach addresses the immediate dental needs and considers the long-term impact on overall health. Here, we review common myths and provide answers based on current research. An important aspect of root canal therapy is incorporating biocompatible practices to ensure the treatments support the body’s overall wellbeing.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy at SHDC is a precise procedure that removes infected pulp from within the tooth, disinfects the cavity, and seals it to prevent future infections. Our focus is on preserving natural teeth while ensuring the highest safety standards through non-toxic materials and advanced technologies.

Addressing Common Myths about Root Canals

Myth: Root canal treatment is unsafe.
Fact: Root canal therapy is safe when conducted with modern techniques and appropriate materials. SHDC uses the latest dental technology to ensure patient safety and effective outcomes.
Myth: Root canals cause illness due to bacteria.
Fact: While historical theories suggested possible links between root canals and systemic illness, extensive contemporary research shows no scientific evidence supporting these claims. Our thorough cleaning and sealing processes effectively eliminate bacteria.
Myth: It’s better to remove a tooth than have a root canal.
Fact: Tooth extraction can lead to other dental issues like misalignment and jawbone deterioration. Root canal therapy preserves the natural tooth, maintaining proper oral function and aesthetics.

Our Holistic Approach to Root Canal Therapy

  • Biocompatible Materials: We use materials that are safe for the body and do not induce allergic reactions or toxic responses.
  • Nutritional Support: We recognise the role of nutrition in dental and systemic health and provide guidelines that help enhance healing and overall well-being.
  • Whole-Body Health: Our treatments are designed to resolve oral health issues and support the body’s holistic health.

Traditional vs. Holistic Approaches at SHDC



Aspect Traditional Approach Holistic Approach at SHDC
Focus Immediate dental issue resolution Integration of dental health with overall well-being
Materials Used Standard materials, potential toxins Biocompatible, non-toxic materials
Nutritional Focus Rarely emphasized Integral to treatment and recovery
Systemic Health Limited focus on overall health connection Strong emphasis on the oral-systemic health connection


Key Takeaways

  • Safety and Effectiveness: SHDC’s root canal treatments are safe and effective, utilising the latest technologies and biocompatible materials.
  • Preservation of Natural Teeth: Our procedures focus on saving natural teeth, essential for maintaining oral health and functionality.
  • Holistic Health Considerations: We consider our patients’ entire health profile, ensuring that our dental treatments contribute positively to their overall health.
  • Myth Busting: We are committed to challenging outdated myths about root canal therapy and providing accurate, research-backed information to patients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: Is root canal therapy painful?
A1: With modern anesthesia and pain management techniques, root canal therapy is typically no more uncomfortable than having a filling placed.
Q2: How long does a root canal treatment last?
A2: When performed correctly and with proper aftercare, a tooth treated with root canal therapy can last a lifetime.
Q3: Can a root canal be done in one visit?
A3: Many root canals can be completed in a single visit, but some may require additional appointments depending on the complexity of the treatment.
Q4: What should I expect after root canal therapy?
A4: Post-treatment, you may experience some sensitivity or discomfort, which usually subsides within a few days. Good oral hygiene and follow-ups are important for recovery.

Towards a Healthy Future

We prioritise your overall health at Sydney Holistic Dental Centre by integrating holistic dental practices with the latest scientific research.
Our approach to root canal therapy seeks to treat the immediate problem and enhance your overall wellbeing, debunking myths and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of preserving natural teeth. We strive to provide the best outcomes for our patient’s dental and systemic health through informed decision-making and patient-centred care.


  1. Australian Dental Association: The ADA provides resources and guidelines on various dental procedures, including root canal therapy. Australian Dental Association.
  2. Better Health Channel: A Victorian government website that offers an overview of root canal therapy and its success rates. Better Health Channel.
  3. Healthdirect Australia: This government-funded service provides medical information, including details about root canal procedures. Healthdirect Australia.
  4. The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) provides authoritative resources advocating for the safety and effectiveness of root canal treatment. It emphasises that no valid scientific evidence links root canals to any health problems.
  5. A systematic review published in the journal “PubMed” outlines the outcomes of primary root canal therapy, indicating improved success rates over time and better outcomes for treatments with a minimum of four years of follow-up.


The post Myth Busting – The Truth about Root Canal Therapy & Systemic Health appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Zen of Healthy Teeth: How Yoga Reduces Stress and Inflammation and Improves Your Oral Health

Yoga for oral health may seem like an unusual idea until you realise that oral health is about more than just teeth and gums. Our mouth is the gateway between our inner and outer worlds, connecting emotional balance and physical wellness. At the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, we understand that caring for your smile starts from within.

A Holistic View of the Mouth-Body Connection

As holistic dentist, Dr Yin Yin Teoh explains:

“Holistic dentistry, to me, is about looking at the person attached to the teeth, not just the teeth themselves.”

This perspective permeates our clinical approach. To get the full picture, we assess lifestyle factors like diet, sleep and breathing patterns in tandem with your oral health status. 

Teeth are not isolated – they are attached to the rest of your physiology.

Why Stress Harms Your Teeth and Gums

  • Grinding and clenching can damage teeth
  • Your immune system gets weaker, allowing more inflammation
  • You may neglect proper brushing and flossing

Stress manifests in the body in many ways, including our oral health. When we feel tense or anxious, common responses like jaw clenching can lead to cracked teeth and receding gums over time. 

Stress also impairs immune function, meaning more inflammation that destabilises gums and destroys tooth tissue. Additionally, feeling overwhelmed makes it harder to motivate ourselves to maintain good daily hygiene habits.


Yoga and Oral Health

Yoga Helps Manage Stress


Our modern lifestyles often keep us in a near-constant state of stress, preventing the relaxation response from fully activating. Yoga elicits deep physiological rest, signalling your body to downregulate your heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones. This makes it easier to access healthier responses.

  • Calms the body and mind
  • Boosts the relaxation response

Yoga for Oral Health and a Balanced Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system governs unconscious processes like digestion, breathing and heart function. Yoga balances its two branches, promoting level-headed thinking before stressful reactions.

  • Regulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • Controls fight-or-flight signals

This state of centred, present-moment awareness makes it easier to care for your whole self.

A Holistic Practice as Old as Dentistry Itself

Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago. While the first evidence of dentistry also dates back to the Indus Valley civilisation, yoga has only recently gained popularity as a global wellness phenomenon. However, its core principles have always resonated as a profoundly holistic practice.

The article authors realised that stressed patients often struggle to prioritise dental health. They researched yoga literature and physiological studies, making fascinating connections between mind-body awareness, inflammation markers, immune function and oral disease prevention that modern medicine is only now rediscovering.

As the ancient Chinese proverb goes:

“The toe you step on today may be connected to the tooth you need tomorrow.”

While meant figuratively, science now shows the wisdom in this message – trauma and imbalance in one area inevitably spreads, impacting the whole system. Yoga integrates body, mind and spirit through coordinated movement, breathwork and meditation.

“Yoga allows for more than just fitness; it facilitates radical healing.” – Dianne Bondy

This radical healing stems from yoga’s ability to uproot dysfunctional patterns, planting seeds for conscious living. The increased self-awareness and reduction of inflammatory stress markers contribute to better dental health results.

Less Inflammation Means Healthier Gums

Controls Inflammatory Proteins

Inflammation is the immune system’s response to harmful stimuli. When overwhelmed, the body can end up in a chronic inflammatory state, damaging healthy tissues. Yoga helps regulate inflammatory cytokines to prevent excessive immune reactions.

  • Reduces proteins linked with gum disease
  • Protects gum tissue

Yoga for oral healthYoga for Oral Health and Improved Immune Function

Some inflammation is normal, even necessary – yoga optimises immune function for selectively targeting invaders like plaque bacteria without attacking healthy structures.

  • Strengthens the body’s defenses
  • More antibodies to fight bacteria

This prevents gums from eroding and keeps your smile bright.

How Yoga for Oral Health Benefits Holistic Wellbeing

Healthier Lifestyles

The mindset shift facilitated by yoga often ripples outwards as healthier habits, from eating more whole foods to prioritising self-care. What we value is reflected by how we spend time and energy.

  • More natural, preventative habits
  • Increased motivation for oral hygiene

More Saliva

Specific yoga poses massage the salivary glands, moisturising your mouth and preventing tooth decay. The boosted oral lubrication washes away bacteria and food debris.

Key Takeaways

  • Reduce your jaw tension through mind-body practices
  • Keep your gums healthy by controlling inflammatory immune proteins with yoga
  • Cultivate motivation for oral hygiene as part of a holistic lifestyle
  • Use yoga to improve dental issues aggravated by chronic stress

Yoga for Oral Health – Advocated by Dr Yin Yin

Dr Yin Yin Teoh’s philosophy focuses on prevention, helping her patients achieve and maintain healthy mouths and beautiful smiles. When she treats her clients, she advocates stress management and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Yin Yin has a daughter and a son, Yasmine and Austin, whom she loves spending time with, always exploring new healthy family activities.

Dr Teoh notes that only through a whole-person evaluation can we then provide comprehensive treatment:

“We make an overall assessment before any diagnosis and provide a holistic dental plan aiming to improve general health.”

Ready to Relax Into Better Oral Wellness?

Talk to our dentists today about adding holistic wellness strategies like meditation, good nutrition and massage to your integrative health plan for a brighter, more confident smile.


What is the main benefit of yoga for my oral health?

Yoga reduces inflammatory stress hormones that destabilise gum tissue and impair immune function against plaque bacteria. Controlling inflammation is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and smiles.

How exactly does yoga reduce inflammation?

Yoga elicits the “relaxation response” – signalling your nervous system to downregulate stress reactions mediated by inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Less systemic inflammation means your immune defences stay focused on protecting teeth rather than over-reacting.

Will yoga replace dental treatment for issues like gum disease?

No, yoga supports dental health but is not a substitute for professional treatment of existing oral conditions. However, reducing inflammation and immune compromise via yoga creates an oral terrain less hospitable to many bacteria that exacerbate disease.

What makes this a “holistic dentistry” approach?

We address oral health ecology, including dental care, nutrition, lifestyle factors and now mind-body practices like yoga or meditation. This biopsychosocial model values overall wellbeing instead of short-term symptom relief via dental procedures alone.

How can I incorporate yoga into my routine?

Any yoga can be beneficial, and we recommend at least 20 minutes daily of stretching postures, focused breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. You can do this privately or join a class if that helps motivation. Observe and keep a record of how your oral health changes along with stress levels.

Research and References

Dr Yin Yin Teoh was inspired to advocate for this article,  written based on this research paper:

International Journal of Dentistry Research 2017; 2(1): 18-21 Review Article
Effect of Yoga on the Promotion of Oral Health

The post The Zen of Healthy Teeth: How Yoga Reduces Stress and Inflammation and Improves Your Oral Health appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Five Pillars of Health

Modern life is stressful, and that stress is affecting health. But to solve a problem, it first helps to know what that problem is. In our modern world, stress is a combination of emotional, environmental, nutritional, postural, and dental factors, some obvious, while others get little attention.

While problems in modern life seem to become more complex, the solutions are straightforward and simple. The key is to build physical, mental and emotional resilience. To that effect, it’s useful to focus on five pillars of health and wellness:

1. Sleep

Sleep is the most essential part of the day. It’s the foundation for any wellness journey. A consistently good night’s sleep is a function of quantity, getting enough sleep, and quality, breathing well while asleep. Getting both right improves every health measure, physical, mental and emotional. Getting these wrong could shorten life.

The vast majority (90%) of people need 7-9 hours sleep. People who sleep for only a few hours usually acknowledge they aren’t getting enough sleep. The most interesting are the people who consistently sleep 6 hours who share many things in common with people who are sleep deprived.

Poor sleep affects memory, with the chance of dementia increasing; insulin resistance increases, predisposing to prediabetes, diabetes and obesity; the hormone responsible for fat metabolism, leptin, is reduced, and the hormone responsible for hunger, ghrelin, increases.

This, in turn, often leads to poor sleepers eating more, increasing weight gain; sex hormone production diminishes, affecting sex life; the immune system is compromised; thyroid hormone, which helps regulate metabolism, is involved; chronic inflammation increases.

Quality is about breathing well while asleep. Snoring indicates a restricted airway, but there is another condition called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), which means breathing stops or is restricted frequently throughout the night. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening.

A consistently good night’s sleep is the body’s built-in, life-support system.

2. Breathing

People give little thought to breathing, but there is a big difference between just breathing and breathing well. Breathing quality affects sleep quality, body chemistry and posture.

Breathing through the nose is ideal, warming, humidifying and filtering the air; nasal breathing also improves head posture. Breathing at 8-12 breaths per minute helps regulate body chemistry, affecting every system in the body, physical and mental; using the diaphragm utilises greater lung capacity and reduces strain on neck and shoulder muscles.

3. Nourish

To nourish well is to have a whole, fresh, diverse diet, free of sugar and artificial chemicals, with vegetables of many colours as the foundation.

Incorporate ethically raised pasture-fed animal products and healthy fats (e.g. from natural sources including avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, fatty fish, and grass-fed animal fats.

Avoid vegetable oils). Include filtered water and healthy salt (such as Himalayan rock salt or Celtic sea salt, which contains 50-70 minerals, as opposed to ordinary table salt, which only contains sodium and chloride). Minimise refined carbohydrates and sugar intake to keep insulin levels low. Explore the power of intermittent fasting, acknowledging that scarcity has always been part of our human journey.

4. Movement

Incorporating functional movements and weight-bearing exercise into daily life and standing while working, walking as a sustainable, safe, sociable and empowering activity for life. Moving regularly impacts positively impacts on every health indicator and treatment outcome. It’s surprising how little movement is needed to make a big difference.

5. Thought

While it is not always possible to change events or people around us, we can change our attitude toward them, and that can make a big difference, with the power of thoughts impacting how genes are expressed and how we respond to the stresses of life.  According to a 75-year study by the Harvard School of Public Health, relationships are the best predictor of longevity, health, and wellness, so value and nurture them. Expressing gratitude is accessible and positive for both the provider and the recipient. From practising mindfulness to exploring meditation, the power of the mind is profound.

The key is to build resilience while identifying and minimising the stresses of modern life to fulfil potential and be the best you can be.


Dr Ron Ehrlich, a co-founder of the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, is the author of A Life Less Stressed, the 5 Pillars of Health & Wellness, and delivers keynotes and wellness workshops. He has a weekly podcast, Unstress, with Dr Ron Ehrlich. Visit:

The post The Five Pillars of Health appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

Friday, January 5, 2024

The Top Six SHDC Holistic Health Articles of 2023

Uncover the forefront of holistic health insights with our spotlight on the Top Six Holistic Health Blog Posts of 2023.

In this collection, we offer educational highlights demonstrating the synergy between dental health and general health.

Balancing the Nervous System: The Key to Managing Sympathetic Overload

Number One for 2023 was the practical insights and actionable steps to guide readers on rebalancing their nervous system and increasing vitality. 

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the body’s “fight or flight” response and takes over in dangerous situations.

The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is an autonomic nervous component responsible for the “rest and digest” response. Balance of these crucial systems is required to experience good health. Unfortunately, due to constant modern-day stress, many people experience an overactive nervous system, leading to digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and oral health issues. Simple lifestyle changes can help you bring balance to your nervous system and correct what is termed sympathetic overload.

Read Article

Screen Time Overload: How Excessive Screen Time Use is Causing Postural Stress

Number Two article explores the adverse effects of excessive screen time. This raises awareness and provides practical strategies for parents and caregivers to foster healthier screen habits and promote optimal posture in children.

Postural stress challenges caused by excessive screen time in children are a growing concern in today’s tech-driven world. With digital device use starting earlier and increasing with age, it is important to understand their impact on our children’s physical, emotional and oral health.

Recognising these stress symptoms early can help avoid the potential long-term effects on their overall well-being and support their healthy development.

Remember, too, these insights and challenges apply to all of us! The ‘digital soup’ we all live in compels us to develop a more holistic approach to reduce postural stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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The Links Between Your Oral Health and Heart Health

The third most popular is the groundbreaking article “Oral Links to Heart Health.” This gives insights into the intricate connections between oral health and cardiovascular wellbeing. Offering a comprehensive exploration of how oral hygiene directly impacts heart health.

Heart disease is a silent killer that wiped out 46,946 Australians in 2012 (that’s 30% of all deaths that year). Cardiovascular disease was also the leading cause of 523,805 hospitalisations in 2011/12 and played a secondary role in a further 800,000 cases, according to the Heart Foundation. There are a variety of reasons why diseases of the heart occur, but did you know that your oral health is linked to and affects your heart health?

While it may seem strange to consider how the heart’s health is connected to the mouth, at Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, this is what we are all about – the links between your oral and general health. There are a variety of reasons that the heart and mouth are interconnected.

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A Guide for Parents to Curb Excessive Screen Time in Children

The number four article takes a deep dive into the challenges posed by screen time in the digital age, particularly for children. Offering a strategic roadmap for parents sheds light on the impacts of excessive screen time and provides tangible solutions for effective management.

In the digital age, managing screen time for kids has become a critical concern for parents. Our children are growing up with screens at their fingertips. These devices are powerful tools for education and communication, but excessive use can be a double-edged sword.

Overuse of digital devices can lead to postural stress, impacting children’s health, development, and brain function.

We are in uncharted territory as parents, teachers, and healthcare providers. How do we navigate this digital landscape to ensure our children’s well-being? The answer lies in striking a balance.

Here, we provide insights and solutions to help you effectively manage your child’s screen time. We explore the importance of promoting good posture, encouraging physical activity, and fostering face-to-face interactions.

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Epigenetics and the Subconscious Mind

Number five ranking for 2023 is the captivating podcast episode, featuring an illuminating conversation with Dr Bruce Lipton, delving into epigenetics and subconscious mind exploration.

In a very engaging conversation, Dr Bruce Lipton and Dr Ron Ehrlich discuss the evolution of our understanding of science and its impact on how we view the world.

Dr Lipton, a cell biologist and author of “The Biology of Belief,” explained how the scientific materialism approach has led to a mechanistic view of the world, with medicine taking a reductionist approach to treating the human body. However, he also highlights the role of quantum physics in changing this understanding by showing that everything is connected through energy, making separation an illusion.

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Healthy Aging

Our sixth most popular article explores healthy ageing, featuring an engaging conversation with Leslie Kenny of the Oxford Longevity Project. This podcast episode informs and inspires listeners on the keys to aging gracefully and healthily.

Leslie Kenny, Founder and CEO of Oxford Healthspan, joins Dr Lewis Ehrlich in a riveting podcast discussion about the journey to healthy aging. With her company rooted in Oxford research, Leslie reveals how natural compounds can slow down the effects of ageing, bridging the gap between Eastern wisdom and Western science. Leslie and Dr Ehrlich shed light on the longevity space, offering listeners a fresh perspective on embracing age gracefully.

Read Article

The top six insightful articles and podcasts are curated as a guide for our readers and patients during their pursuit of a healthier, more balanced life. Armed with practical insights, actionable steps, and a deeper understanding of the interplay between dental health and overall vitality.

We look forward to sharing further insights and practical information on holistic and oral health in the year ahead.

The post The Top Six SHDC Holistic Health Articles of 2023 appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Recipe: Delicious Chocolate Olive Oil Cake

Celebrate Life’s Special Moments with a Healthy Indulgence

Life is about finding balance, and what better way to celebrate life’s special moments – be it birthdays, anniversaries, or festive occasions – than by indulging in a delightful treat that’s as nutritious as it is delicious? 

Our Chocolate Olive Oil Cake, inspired by the culinary expertise of Teresa Cutter (The Healthy Chef), is not just a feast for your taste buds but a boon for your health. This cake isn’t just insanely delicious – it’s the Superman of chocolate cakes, packed with antioxidants and essential fatty acids that promote well-being. Plus, it’s refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and has a low glycemic index, making it a guilt-free pleasure for various dietary needs.

The Nutritional Powerhouse: Cocoa

What sets this cake apart is its primary ingredient: cocoa. Cocoa is not just a flavour enhancer; it’s a nutritional powerhouse, brimming with magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, riboflavin, and essential micronutrients. Known as one of the highest antioxidant foods on the planet, cocoa is fantastic for heart health. Its high flavonoid content is instrumental in reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, making this cake a smart choice for health-conscious indulgence.


  • 2 1/2 cups (250g) almond meal
  • 1/2 cup (60g) cocoa
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup almond or coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup raw honey or maple syrup


  1. Preheat your oven to 160°C.
  2. Combine the almond meal, cocoa, baking powder, and baking soda in a mixing bowl.
  3. Add in the eggs, olive oil, milk, and honey, blending them into a smooth batter.
  4. Spoon the mixture into a round baking tin lined with baking paper or greased with a hint of cocoa.
  5. Bake for 50-55 minutes or until cooked through.
  6. Let it cool completely before serving. Enjoy every bite!

Serving Suggestions:

This cake’s super moist texture means it stands out. However, pair it with fresh strawberries, The Healthy Chef’s ganache or chocolate mousse for an added luxury touch. These accompaniments enhance the flavours and add extra health benefits, making the experience even more indulgent and satisfying.

Holistic Dentistry and Nutrition:
A Harmonious Blend

At SHDC, we believe in holistic health, where good nutrition is vital in maintaining dental and overall health. This recipe is an excellent example of our commitment to promoting a lifestyle that can harmoniously blend indulgence with health. We encourage you to explore nutritious recipes to satisfy your palate while contributing to wellness.

The Journey Behind the Recipe

Our journey crafting this recipe began with a deep understanding of the relationship between nutrition and dental health. We created a dessert that aligns with our holistic approach by choosing ingredients like almond meal, rich in calcium, and cocoa, known for its antioxidant properties. This recipe is more than a treat; it’s an example to show what you eat can impact your dental and overall health.

Our Team at SHDC are Passionate Cooks, too!

This recipe was brought to you by nutritionist Sophie Ehrlich, a passionate advocate for holistic health and a culinary enthusiast. With many years of experience in nutrition and health, Sophie combines expertise and a love for wholesome cooking to create recipes that nourish both the body and soul.


This recipe and its health benefits are based on general nutritional principles and should not substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your dentist or healthcare provider for personalised guidance.

The post Recipe: Delicious Chocolate Olive Oil Cake appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Your Summer Holistic Health and Wellbeing Plan

Your Healthy Summer Guide

Welcome to your guide for a joy-filled and healthy summer! This season of warmth and sunshine is the perfect time to focus on holistic wellness, embracing family activities, having fun in the sun, and staying fit. Here, we’ll explore how to make the most of your summer days, ensuring they are fun and beneficial for your overall health and wellbeing.

Embrace Mindfulness and The Art of Gratitude 

The festive season and Summer days can often be a hectic time of the year.  The practice of mindfulness and the art of gratitude are great tools for managing stress during the busy period. Here are some small and effective tips on practising mindfulness and implementing it throughout your day:

  • Start each day with a short mindfulness exercise, such as deep breathing (in for four counts, hold for four counts, out for four counts) or a guided meditation.
  • Take time to appreciate the small joys of summer, like the cool breeze or a beautiful sunset.
  • Practice gratitude by keeping a journal or sharing what you’re thankful for with your family.

Strategies for Effective Stress Management during the Summer

  • You can supercharge your relaxation during the summer months and the festive season by ensuring you schedule and prioritise balance and downtime. Here are some ways to keep stress down and relaxation levels up: Ensure your schedule balances activities, particularly if you have a lot going on, which could lead to feeling overwhelmed. Block some time out dedicated to ‘not being available’ and time for yourself.
  • Take the yoga class you have planned to attend all year, and take advantage of the longer days by going for a sunset (or sunrise) walk in nature!
  • Start the new year with good habits by implementing an evening routine. Turn your phone on DND (Do Not Disturb) at a specific time and pick up a book or listen to soothing music to support you in winding down after a hot and busy day.

Stay Active During  Summer Days

With longer days and the Summer season usually providing more energy, it is a great time for getting active. Keeping active with friends and family also supports motivation to get moving. 

  • Plan family outings that involve physical activity, such as hiking or beach sports, which can be as simple as bringing a ball to the beach! 
  • Organise backyard games like frisbee or tag. 
  • Encourage kids to join summer sports camps or teams.

Prioritising Sleep Amidst Summer Excitement

  • Sleep is the number 1 priority for good health. Summer’s busier schedules and warmer nights can impact good sleep hygiene, resulting in an unrestful night and a lack of energy the following day.  Here are some essential tips to support good sleep hygiene and ensure restful nights throughout the warmer months: Stick to a consistent bedtime, even on longer Summer days.  
  • Light is the most important element for setting the circadian rhythm. If it is available to you – getting early morning light is a great way to set yourself up for a great night’s sleep that evening.  
  • Create a cool, dark, and quiet sleep environment. This can be even more challenging during summer. Keep your bedroom closed throughout the day, or use dark, heavy curtains to keep the heat out. 
  • Avoid heavy meals and stimulating activities close to bedtime.

Nourishing Choices for Summer Days

Hydration in the Heat

Staying hydrated is essential for health, especially in Summer when we tend to move and sweat much more. Here are some simple tips to keep you hydrated: 

  • Drink water in small sips throughout the day instead of large quantities in the evening, which can impact your sleep quality. Carry a water bottle so you always have it available. 
  • Minerals, particularly salt, support and keep you hydrated and allow the body and its cells to absorb the water. Add a small pinch of salt to your water bottle.  
  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcohol causes extreme dehydration to the body. 

Nutritional Challenges & Mindful Eating during the Busy Season

Summer brings its own dietary temptations. Here are some ‘swaps’ to help navigate potential temptations at Summer events and how to be prepared during the busy season: 

    Family Barbeques:
    • Swap pre-packaged and pre-prepared meats with fresh cuts of meat.
    • Swap pre-packaged salads with fresh greens, seasonal vegetables and herbs
    • Swap store-bought salad dressings for lemon and olive oil.
    • Swap heavy, sugar-laden desserts for fresh summer fruit.

Or for a healthy treat, try our Olive Oil Chocolate Cake recipe – rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids and is refined sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free and low GI.

      Prepare healthy snacks for days out:
      • Carrot and celery slices 
      • Boiled eggs 
      • Fresh nuts 
      • Dates 
      • Frozen berries 
      • Easy to prepare and pack salads

    The Power of Antioxidants for Summer Skin Protection

    During the Summer months, we are exposed to the largest amount of sun. Antioxidants which are found in antioxidant-rich foods play a protective role against the bad rays of the sun. They also help defend the skin from free radicals. You can support your skin during Summer by implementing these antioxidant-rich foods into your diet:

    • Blueberries are one of the richest antioxidant foods available (they are also incredibly cheap during summer) add them to your smoothies, your breakfast and even in your Summer salad. 
    • Leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli and bok-choy are high in antioxidants as well as other essential vitamins and minerals which protect the skin. 
    • Nuts are a great snack packed full of skin-friendly nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E and selenium (which act as an antioxidant).  

    Maintain Good Oral Health

    We couldn’t prepare a Summer Holistic Health plan without mentioning the importance of good oral health hygiene, particularly as Summer indulgences can challenge your oral health too quickly. Remember these tips:

    • Brush twice a day and floss daily to maintain dental hygiene.
    • Limit sugary drinks and snacks, which can harm the health of your teeth.
    • Book your New Year dental and hygiene appointments!

    Celebrate Your Health in Summer

    Summer can and should be both enjoyable and healthy. We hope these simple and practical steps contribute to a fulfilling and healthy summer. Remember, balance is vital, so be sure to enjoy the season’s pleasures while caring for your health!

    The post Your Summer Holistic Health and Wellbeing Plan appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.