Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Screentime Overload: How Excessive Screentime Use by Children is Causing Postural Stress

Postural stress challenges caused by excessive screentime in children are a growing concern in today’s tech-driven world. With the use of digital devices starting earlier and increasing with age, it is important to understand their impact on our children’s physical, emotional and oral health.

Recognising these stress symptoms early can help avoid the potential long-term effects on their overall well-being and support their healthy development.

Remember too, these insights and challenges apply to all of us! The ‘digital soup’ we all live in compels us to develop a more holistic approach to reduce postural stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Mobile devices specifically contribute to poor posture, especially with prolonged use. Parents, teachers and health practitioners need to know the strategies for reducing postural stress in children with excessive screentime. Emphasising the importance of good posture and regular physical activity are essential components for maintaining optimal health.

Excessive Screentime in Children Contributes to Postural Health Issues

Research has shown poor posture can contribute to various physical health issues such as:

  • Musculoskeletal pain (e.g., neck pain, back pain)
  • Poor alignment of the spine
  • Joint stress
  • Decreased lung capacity and reduced breathing efficiency
  • Digestive issues

Signs of Poor Posture Due to Excessive Screentime in Children (and adults too!)

Parents and health practitioners should be mindful of potential signs of inferior posture when evaluating a kid’s stance, even though such indications may not always be simple to identify. These include:

  • Slouching or hunching over while using a device
  • Forward head position (head jutting forward)
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Crossed legs while sitting for extended periods
  • Tilting the head to one side when looking at a screen
Screen Time Overload: How Excessive Screentime Use by Children is Causing Postural Stress
Screen Time Overload: How Excessive Screentime Use by Children is Causing Postural Stress

Excessive screentime can cause various physical, mental and oral health issues in children, including headaches, blurry eyes, foggy brain, eye strain, dry mouth and poor breathing, sleep issues, tantrums, and delayed emotional development and problem-solving skills.

Mobile Devices Impact Our Posture

The increased presence of mobile devices in our lives has increased concern about their potential effects on posture, especially among youngsters who are using them for prolonged periods. We must explore ways to reduce time spent on screens and mitigate negative effects.

The Connection Between Mobile Device Usage and Poor Posture

When using mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, users often adopt a forward head posture (FHP) where the head is tilted down towards the screen while the shoulders are rounded forward. This position can place strain on the neck muscles and spine, leading to musculoskeletal imbalances. This can cause pain, discomfort, and long-term stress.

Children’s bodies are still developing; thus, they may be more susceptible to postural issues caused by excessive screentime than adults. As they grow up with poor habits like FHP from an early age due to increased exposure to screens at home or school settings (source), these habits may become ingrained over time unless proactive steps are taken for improvement.

The impact of mobile devices on posture are plain to see, and it is essential we grasp the implications in order to support kids in sustaining healthy postures.

What are the Symptoms of Too Much Screentime?

With an abundance of digital devices at their disposal, children are vulnerable to the physical and mental health effects of too much screentime. Parents and experts should be mindful of the various indications that could point to overindulgence in digital devices. The following list outlines some common signs that your child might be experiencing issues related to excessive screentime:

  • Headaches: Prolonged use of screens can cause tension in the neck, shoulders, and head muscles, leading to frequent headaches.
  • Blurry eyes: Staring at a screen for extended periods without taking breaks can strain the eyes and result in blurry vision. This condition is known as computer vision syndrome.
  • Foggy brain: Excessive screentime has been linked to decreased cognitive function, making it difficult for children to concentrate or think clearly.
  • Eye strain: Constant exposure to screens causes eye fatigue due to reduced blinking rates and increased focusing demands.
  • Sleep issues: Overexposure to blue light emitted by screens disrupts the production of melatonin, affecting sleep patterns. Read more about how this affects children’s sleep from the Sleep Foundation.
  • Tantrums: Children who spend too much time on their devices may become irritable when asked to limit their usage, resulting in tantrums.
  • Emotional skills and emotional development: Excessive screentime can hinder social interactions, leading to delays in emotional development and social skills.
  • Weight: Sedentary behaviour associated with excessive screentime can contribute to weight gain and obesity, increasing the risk of related health issues.
  • Physical health: Poor posture, lack of physical activity, and repetitive stress injuries are some common physical problems that can arise from excessive screentime.

By recognising these symptoms early on, parents can take appropriate steps to address them. 

Solving the Excessive Screentime Puzzle

Overall, it’s clear that while digital devices can be valuable tools for education and communication, excessive screentime and the associated postural stress can have significant impacts on children’s health, development and brain function. 

It’s important for parents, teachers, and healthcare providers to be aware of these issues and to take steps to manage screentime and promote good posture, physical activity, and face-to-face interaction. 

To ensure children’s long-term optimal health, a holistic health approach to equilibrium between digital activities and other vital aspects of their lives is important.

Talk to your dentist at SHDC for more information and how best to support your child’s oral health, general health and mental health.

Read our companion article: Taming the Digital Beast: A Guide for Parents to Curb Excessive Screentime in Children

FAQs – Excessive Screentime and its Impact on Children’s Health

What is screentime overload?

Screentime overload refers to excessive screentime or prolonged periods of time spent in front of a screen, whether it be a tablet, computer, smartphone, or any other electronic device.

Can Too Much Screentime Affect Your Kids’ Posture?

Yes, excessive time on screens can negatively impact a child’s posture. Prolonged use of mobile devices and computers can lead to poor habits such as slouching or hunching over.

How Does Screentime Affect Your Posture?

Screentime affects posture by encouraging improper body alignment while using devices. Users tend to lean forward with their heads tilted down when looking at screens, causing strain on the neck and spine.

What Are the Effects of Prolonged Screentime on Child Development?

Prolonged time focusing on screens impacts children’s physical health through postural stress as well as their mental well-being due to reduced social interaction opportunities. It also interferes with sleep patterns and increases the risk of obesity from sedentary behaviour.

Can Excessive Screentime Lead to Physical Ailments Like Poor Posture or Headaches?

Yes, extended screen usage can contribute to various physical ailments such as poor posture caused by constant hunching over devices; tension headaches from eye strain; carpal tunnel syndrome due to repetitive motions; dry eyes from staring at screens without blinking frequently enough; and even obesity due to decreased exercise and activity levels.

How does excessive screentime affect posture?

Excessive screentime can cause postural stress, where the hunch forward that comes with staring at a screen can lead to neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and even affect the child’s development if not addressed properly.

What is blue light and how does it relate to screentime?

Blue light is a type of light that is emitted by electronic screens and has been linked to issues such as disrupted sleep patterns, as it can affect the brain’s production of melatonin. Limiting exposure to blue light can be important in reducing the negative impacts of excessive screentime.

What is the recommended amount of screentime per day for children?

While opinions vary, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children ages 2-5 should have no more than 1 hour of screentime per day, while children ages 6 and older should have a limit and balance their screentime with other activities such as physical exercise, socialising, and reading print media.

What is the relationship between screen time and physical activity?

Excessive screen use and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a decrease in physical activity, which can ultimately lead to issues such as obesity and other health problems. It’s a good idea to encourage children to balance their screentime with activities that require movement and exercise.

What is computer vision syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome is a condition that can arise from spending too much time looking at a screen. Symptoms can include blurry vision, headaches, and eye strain. It’s important to take breaks from looking at screens and adjust the distance between the eyes and the screen to give the eyes a break and the ability to change focus.

Further reading and Resources for Understanding and Managing Excessive Screentime in Children

  1. Physical Activity and Exercise Guidelines: The Department of Health provides comprehensive 24-hour movement guidelines suitable for all age groups. These guidelines can be a valuable resource for parents and caregivers looking to balance screentime with physical activity. Department of Health Website
  2. 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Young People: This report by the Department of Health provides detailed evidence supporting the 24-hour movement guidelines specifically designed for children (5–12 years) and young people (13–17 years). It integrates aspects of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep. Department of Health Report
  3. Impact of Digital Technology on Australian Children: The Gonski Institute of Education (UNSW) conducted research titled “Growing up Digital Australia” that provides an overview of the impact of digital technology on Australian children. Gonski Institute of Education Research
  4. Resources on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour: The Department of Health offers a collection of brochures, fact sheets, and posters based on the 24-hour movement guidelines. These resources can be used to educate families and promote awareness about the importance of physical activity and the dangers of sedentary behaviour. Department of Health Resources
  5. Children’s Screentime in Australia: This chapter from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children provides insights into the screentime habits of Australian children. Longitudinal Study of Australian Children
  6. Managing Screentime: This webpage by provides practical strategies to help parents manage and reduce screentime for children aged 3–11 years. Raising Children Website
  7. Screentime and kids: What’s happening in our homes. Home-based screentime behaviors amongst youth and their parents: Familial typologies and their modifiable correlates. BMC Public Health

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