Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Zen of Healthy Teeth: How Yoga Reduces Stress and Inflammation and Improves Your Oral Health

Yoga for oral health may seem like an unusual idea until you realise that oral health is about more than just teeth and gums. Our mouth is the gateway between our inner and outer worlds, connecting emotional balance and physical wellness. At the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, we understand that caring for your smile starts from within.

A Holistic View of the Mouth-Body Connection

As holistic dentist, Dr Yin Yin Teoh explains:

“Holistic dentistry, to me, is about looking at the person attached to the teeth, not just the teeth themselves.”

This perspective permeates our clinical approach. To get the full picture, we assess lifestyle factors like diet, sleep and breathing patterns in tandem with your oral health status. 

Teeth are not isolated – they are attached to the rest of your physiology.

Why Stress Harms Your Teeth and Gums

  • Grinding and clenching can damage teeth
  • Your immune system gets weaker, allowing more inflammation
  • You may neglect proper brushing and flossing

Stress manifests in the body in many ways, including our oral health. When we feel tense or anxious, common responses like jaw clenching can lead to cracked teeth and receding gums over time. 

Stress also impairs immune function, meaning more inflammation that destabilises gums and destroys tooth tissue. Additionally, feeling overwhelmed makes it harder to motivate ourselves to maintain good daily hygiene habits.


Yoga and Oral Health

Yoga Helps Manage Stress


Our modern lifestyles often keep us in a near-constant state of stress, preventing the relaxation response from fully activating. Yoga elicits deep physiological rest, signalling your body to downregulate your heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones. This makes it easier to access healthier responses.

  • Calms the body and mind
  • Boosts the relaxation response

Yoga for Oral Health and a Balanced Nervous System

The autonomic nervous system governs unconscious processes like digestion, breathing and heart function. Yoga balances its two branches, promoting level-headed thinking before stressful reactions.

  • Regulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
  • Controls fight-or-flight signals

This state of centred, present-moment awareness makes it easier to care for your whole self.

A Holistic Practice as Old as Dentistry Itself

Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago. While the first evidence of dentistry also dates back to the Indus Valley civilisation, yoga has only recently gained popularity as a global wellness phenomenon. However, its core principles have always resonated as a profoundly holistic practice.

The article authors realised that stressed patients often struggle to prioritise dental health. They researched yoga literature and physiological studies, making fascinating connections between mind-body awareness, inflammation markers, immune function and oral disease prevention that modern medicine is only now rediscovering.

As the ancient Chinese proverb goes:

“The toe you step on today may be connected to the tooth you need tomorrow.”

While meant figuratively, science now shows the wisdom in this message – trauma and imbalance in one area inevitably spreads, impacting the whole system. Yoga integrates body, mind and spirit through coordinated movement, breathwork and meditation.

“Yoga allows for more than just fitness; it facilitates radical healing.” – Dianne Bondy

This radical healing stems from yoga’s ability to uproot dysfunctional patterns, planting seeds for conscious living. The increased self-awareness and reduction of inflammatory stress markers contribute to better dental health results.

Less Inflammation Means Healthier Gums

Controls Inflammatory Proteins

Inflammation is the immune system’s response to harmful stimuli. When overwhelmed, the body can end up in a chronic inflammatory state, damaging healthy tissues. Yoga helps regulate inflammatory cytokines to prevent excessive immune reactions.

  • Reduces proteins linked with gum disease
  • Protects gum tissue

Yoga for oral healthYoga for Oral Health and Improved Immune Function

Some inflammation is normal, even necessary – yoga optimises immune function for selectively targeting invaders like plaque bacteria without attacking healthy structures.

  • Strengthens the body’s defenses
  • More antibodies to fight bacteria

This prevents gums from eroding and keeps your smile bright.

How Yoga for Oral Health Benefits Holistic Wellbeing

Healthier Lifestyles

The mindset shift facilitated by yoga often ripples outwards as healthier habits, from eating more whole foods to prioritising self-care. What we value is reflected by how we spend time and energy.

  • More natural, preventative habits
  • Increased motivation for oral hygiene

More Saliva

Specific yoga poses massage the salivary glands, moisturising your mouth and preventing tooth decay. The boosted oral lubrication washes away bacteria and food debris.

Key Takeaways

  • Reduce your jaw tension through mind-body practices
  • Keep your gums healthy by controlling inflammatory immune proteins with yoga
  • Cultivate motivation for oral hygiene as part of a holistic lifestyle
  • Use yoga to improve dental issues aggravated by chronic stress

Yoga for Oral Health – Advocated by Dr Yin Yin

Dr Yin Yin Teoh’s philosophy focuses on prevention, helping her patients achieve and maintain healthy mouths and beautiful smiles. When she treats her clients, she advocates stress management and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Yin Yin has a daughter and a son, Yasmine and Austin, whom she loves spending time with, always exploring new healthy family activities.

Dr Teoh notes that only through a whole-person evaluation can we then provide comprehensive treatment:

“We make an overall assessment before any diagnosis and provide a holistic dental plan aiming to improve general health.”

Ready to Relax Into Better Oral Wellness?

Talk to our dentists today about adding holistic wellness strategies like meditation, good nutrition and massage to your integrative health plan for a brighter, more confident smile.


What is the main benefit of yoga for my oral health?

Yoga reduces inflammatory stress hormones that destabilise gum tissue and impair immune function against plaque bacteria. Controlling inflammation is crucial for maintaining healthy teeth and smiles.

How exactly does yoga reduce inflammation?

Yoga elicits the “relaxation response” – signalling your nervous system to downregulate stress reactions mediated by inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Less systemic inflammation means your immune defences stay focused on protecting teeth rather than over-reacting.

Will yoga replace dental treatment for issues like gum disease?

No, yoga supports dental health but is not a substitute for professional treatment of existing oral conditions. However, reducing inflammation and immune compromise via yoga creates an oral terrain less hospitable to many bacteria that exacerbate disease.

What makes this a “holistic dentistry” approach?

We address oral health ecology, including dental care, nutrition, lifestyle factors and now mind-body practices like yoga or meditation. This biopsychosocial model values overall wellbeing instead of short-term symptom relief via dental procedures alone.

How can I incorporate yoga into my routine?

Any yoga can be beneficial, and we recommend at least 20 minutes daily of stretching postures, focused breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. You can do this privately or join a class if that helps motivation. Observe and keep a record of how your oral health changes along with stress levels.

Research and References

Dr Yin Yin Teoh was inspired to advocate for this article,  written based on this research paper:

International Journal of Dentistry Research 2017; 2(1): 18-21 Review Article
Effect of Yoga on the Promotion of Oral Health

The post The Zen of Healthy Teeth: How Yoga Reduces Stress and Inflammation and Improves Your Oral Health appeared first on Sydney Holistic Dental Centre.

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